As some of you will be aware I am a watch collector and watch repair hobbyist, Repairing watches helps with my neurological problem, having repaired them I should really sell them, but I decided that I would keep them and start a small collection of the best ones, however the small collection now has over 40 New and old watches, and it getting bigger day by day, I am waiting delivery of another 10 mechanical watches in need of repair this week, I am also saving for a couple of new watches I really want for the collection.
I started looking on YouTube for reviews on watches and found this great channel called The Urban Gentry the presenter TGV, Tristano Geoffry Michele Veneto, born in the UK, lives in USA, he is a really likeable guy, giving detailed reviews on watches, I believe his channel started as a guide for Gentlemen, but has been dominated by watches recently. So watching TGV and his friend Federico talking watches was informative and for me interesting as I love watch movements and as I said earlier repairing them, I can now officially announce that TGV is responsible for my last 4 new watch purchases, now, I bought them not because they were on his channel, but it made me look deeper in those watches, were they worth adding to my collection? Could I wear them everyday? And, would they be of any value when I finally pop me blogs and they become my sons inheritance? So my research began and my decision was made based on TGV's reviews and other website information.
The answer to all the above is yes, I now have in the collection some amazing new watches, Seiko, Orient, Tissot etc, and some really nice repaired and restored Junghans, Timex and some really nice Swiss made mechanicals as well. I have really enjoyed repairing the broken ones and returning them to their former glory, I am particularly pleased with the Junghans, this 1960's German made watch is elegant and a perfect dress watch or an everyday wearer. I have no doubt that over the next year or so the collection will get bigger and I hope to add some of the luxury watches, Rolex, Omega etc.
So, with all of this taken into consideration I have decided that I will try and start a watch review on YouTube myself, however, I will make these videos looking at the lower end of the market, less than £100, now you may say 'You can't get a good watch for that sort of money', I say you can, and the point of the videos will be don't overlook some great watches because they are at the lower end of the market, one of my favourite watches in my collection is my Orient Bambino, a great dress watch, mechanical, automatic, and below £100. I will also be talking about the watches I have repaired, the quality of the movements and the general build. Keep an eye on this space, I will let you all know when I upload the first review. Also, check out The Urban Watch channel, worth a look if watches are you thing, link below.
The Urban Gentry
Until next time.