This is a short one, just to let you all know I am still alive, kicking and trying to get back to some sort of normality. I am not sure if I have said this before but you can now listen to my dulcet tones on Podbean, yes I now have a podcast that i try to do at least once a fortnight, just checkout or I am normally joined by my fellow presenters Scarlett Squire and Matt Webster, we have great fun making these and it's part of my job, LOL, I love it.
It's that time of year when most motorcyclists are putting their bikes away doing maintenance and getting them ready for spring, I have 2 bikes, both cruisers/choppers, but due to my health I have been unable to ride them for over 10 years, time just fly's. So, because I am now a little better than I was, I felt the need to get them ready for the spring, HORROR, when I checked them they are both riddled with rust and god knows what else, so I decided to strip the Yamaha down, every nut and bolt clean it, de-rust it, replace the parts that need replacing and polish the chrome (mistake, polishing chrome is a pain in the arse, it takes so long to do it right), having stripped it down into a thousand bits, I realise that I can't remember what goes where "FUCK", so I am now going to be reliant on the Haynes manual to help me put it back together. Watch this space.
So, like I said, just a short one, thanks to all you guys that do take the time to read these posts, I really do appreciate it.
GOM Out.