After investigating the problem a little further I find the the funding for the college has been reduced, also the management team from last year over spent by £4 million, yeah that's right £4 million quid and they have just a year to recover it which means no money for anyone, WTF is this country coming to when we can't buy the equipment needed for our courses, I have already out of my own pocket bought a SteadyCam to use as again the college can't afford to buy one.
We used to be able to take students on trips and get the money from the college, not anymore, if we want to arrange a trip anywhere, even to the local Cinema to see a film, the kids have to pay for it them selves which think is wrong, they pay a lot of money for their courses up to £8000.00 and they are then expected to pay on top for any activities outside e of the college. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.
The government needs to get their act together, these kids are our future, it bad enough that they leave University with huge debts, I am pleased I am the age I am and don't have these worries.