If you are my age you will probably remember the adverts for Mars bars? It went like this, 'A Mars a day helps you work rest and play', with a catchy little tune to go with it, and basically the thing was so full of sugar you would be so hyper that it did actually do what it said on the wrapper, it also gave you heart problems, diabetes, obesity and rotting teeth. So, why do I mention it, it's because I have been procrastinating with my self over my future, so lets start with work, I used to love my job as a lecturer, but know I hate it, I have a boss who is the bitch from hell and just wants to get rid of me but won't? Let me explain, my job title and role changed recently, I have talked about this before in my blogs, so I told HR and the BFH ('Bitch From Hell') that I was not happy with what they were doing, as they changed my job role and contract I asked them to make me redundant like my job was going to be, No they said, I could have Voluntary redundancy, but, not made redundant, they garbled on about the college policy of no redundancies etc, etc, anyway very long story short, I made a big thing out of it and tried to confront the Principle (CEO) he calls himself, but he refused to see me, so much for his open door policy, anyway, since then the offer of any kind of redundancy has been withdrawn, now the BFH is hell bent of getting rid of me, she just keeps making my life at the college miserable, making me attend courses that I don't need to etc. I just think she needs a good hard fucking, tied to a bed then beaten with a leather paddle until her arse glows like a raging fire.
Anyway, enough of my fantasies, she just hates me, unfortunately she has no idea who she has picked a fight with, I am now going to switch things around and make her life hell, and yes I do have the ways and means of doing so.
O what do I do to rest, basically I don't, I cant stop for a minute, I work up to 18 hours a day, I don't sleep and I get bored sitting down watch TV, I do watch TV but it's while I am doing something else like Ironing, or cleaning, rest is something that is lacking in my life, the Doctor says I should chill more by doing nothing, sit down with your headphones on and listen to music he says, I do that a lot, except the sitting bit I listen to my music while I am hoovering or working, you know what they say, There's no rest for the wicked and idle hands make mischief. I must of done something really wicked in a previous life, NO, I don't believe in reincarnation and all that bollocks.
I play when I have the time, which is not a lot, I make my guitars when i can, I love it, that's my play time if you like, then I play them, a little, but I do try, and of course there are my cunning plans ( Making more money, starting new companies etc), that to me is playing, also I have new toys I am about to play with and i will be producing video's and podcasts, when I get the time, and that's what life is all about, time.
We only have a short time on the fantastic little rock we live on, at the moment we are desperately trying to fuck it up, polluting the seas and any and everything that we touch, we are removing valuable materials from under the ground, oil, coal, rare metals etc, we are now fracking, which is causing earth tremors, when do we stop, probably when the earth stops spinning and we all fall off into space.
However, moan over, lets talk about my time, I have had a reasonable life, met some amazing and beautiful people I have also met the scum of the earth and real evil bastards, but, I have set my own standards and passed these on to my son, I like to think I and honest and fair. My time is nearly up, my health is not getting better and everyday is a struggle, but I am not giving up yet, I still have a bucket list that I need to complete and I hope to meet the one, the woman that understands me and loves me for who I am, not my money. I think we waste a lot of time doing nothing, but maybe with the time I have left I will make it worth while.
Fucking hell that last paragraph is dark and deep, I need coffee, until next time.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!