Sitting here watching 15 people all licking up to each other is interesting to say the least, the office here is probably no different to any other but we do have stereo types here, we have the young gun boss arse kisser, he volunteers for everything, I am sure if the boss asked him to clean the loos by licking them clean he would, he thinks that it will improve his chances of promotion, he will learn eventually.
Then we have the office hottie, she's blonde. gorgeous and has a body that even I would lick, however, as every male member here in the office and outside are lusting after her I just prefer to watch them getting burnt by her as she rejects their advances but uses them for her own benefit.
Then we have the office guru, this young man knows everything we don't about whats happening at the college, need to know something, go see this guy, he is also the office hot guy for the girls.
Then theres the office pain in the arse, she's the biggest pain and most obstructive cow in the whole college, according to her, everyones out to get her, she is always over worked and can't help anyone out, it's me me me.
I think we have every type here with the rest, then theres me, the boss sees me as someone who is a big benefit to the team, but she also knows that I am more qualified to do her job than she is, so hates me with a passion, but has to put up with me, the rest see me as the grumpy old fart who they come to for advice and there private life issues, I prefer not to get involved with anyone, but sometimes it's unavoidable, so as you can guess I am not happy here at the moment with all the shit about my job role and pay etc, so I will just play my ace card this year, as they won't recognise my teaching certificate then when they ask me to produce paperwork for the courses that I usually do, this year my answer will be, Sorry I'm not qualified, its about to get interesting me thinks.
Watch this space.
Just a quick one, well done the Spurs in giving Man Utd a good thrashing.