So I will start with getting old, I always think that I can do more than I actually can, as an example, I damaged my right shoulder and arm about 6 years ago in an accident where I ripped my shoulder from its socket, damaged my right arm completely, I mean, muscles, ligaments just about everything was ripped to pieces internally, no exterior damage so no blood. so I have had extensive physic over the years that has helped a little but I can't lift or carry anything heavy, also I can no longer swing my katana or practice using my bokken so it pisses me off to say the least, anyway, I also have spine problems and a neurological problem on my right side after a heart attack, minor stroke and a huge brain tumour, so as you can see I am in reality a physical disaster area, however if you met me you would never know as I hide the constant pain and injuries really well, so I put all this down to getting old, but my brain still say's 'Hey your still 25 lets go do something physical'.
SO I constantly try to do things that I am just not capable of due to all the problems above, so getting old sucks, in actual fact its a pain, literally, so I am now 60, the number I was told a few years ago that I would be lucky to reach because of my medical problems, however here I am and still getting on with life as if nothing was wrong. A few friends have said I should retire and just go and do the things in my bucket list, but I love working, I can't sit around doing nothing, so the bucket list will have to wait. OLD AGE SUCKS.
I often find myself in deep thought while chilling in my favourite chair (Leather massage), and recently I have been thinking of my late father, we had a lot in common, both model makers, wood workers and engineers, I often think about what he would think of the things I have done, achieved and failed in, I looked up to him a lot as a child and young adult, but as I grew older and more rebellious we did less things together.
He didn't have a lot of possessions, mainly some old tools and a few bits and pieces he had made when he was in the airforce repairing Spitfires & Hurricanes during WW2, he made a couple of small aircraft from single pieces of aluminium and Steel, by hand using only files and saws, these little aircraft are things of beauty to me, I gave the steel lancaster bomber to my younger brother but I held on to the aluminium spitfire, I placed this on top of a bookcase in my living room, while dusting this earlier this week I noticed that it started to become a little worse for wear, so I decided to give it an overhaul in my workshop, I had trouble gripping this small piece of ally, but managed to get a reasonable shine to the surface using my polishing wheels.
As you can see from the above images it didn't turn out to bad.
So what next, well I have an old but good computer table that I am going to convert into a watch bench so I can comfortably sit in the correct position while fixing watches, then do a proper conversion on my log cabin/shed into a proper workshop.
Now onto today, I need to do a water change on my aquariums, tidy this office and read my books fresh from Amazon.