Someone suggested that I create a blog as they find me amusing at times but mostly infuriating. I have a webpage Click Here with some of my more interesting thoughts and moaning, so may well combine the 2 at some point.
Anyway, it's been a hard life for the last 10 years due to my health, to many things wrong with me to enter here however, its all down to worn out bones (due to my 40 years of Martial Arts) and neurological issues that started 3 years ago and they still cant find out why, they did find a very large tumour on my frontal lobe above my leading to a lobotomy, but apparently that had nothing to do with my problems.
So at the moment no more fighting (Martial Arts), due to my neck problems no more astronomy at the this time but I will get back to it as soon as I can look up. A new hobby has emerged Horology, as I sleep very little if at all, so need something to keep my mind busy, It started a couple of months ago with my Seiko watch running a little fast, I was quoted £165.00 to have it adjusted as it needed to go back to the manufacturer, BULLSHIT, thank you very much H. Samuel, I did what any genius would do and searched the internet for an answer, Bingo, a video on how to adjust the movement, took me a couple of weeks to get it right but it now keeps perfect time, I enjoyed messing about with the watch so much I purchased a faulty watch from ebay, stripped it down cleaned and oiled it, and it works, turned out to be a very nice watch.
So here I am today, it's half term at the college so no teaching (Film & TV and Photography) and waiting for a delivery on a part for one of the broken watches I am working on. It's 11:15 and still no post, it's been really late the last few weeks, I remember when your mail dropped through your letterbox before you left for work, 7am, poor little postmen can't get up early anymore? more like they are too bloody lazy, come Royal Mail get your finger out and deliver my mail before I leave for work, I feel a letter coming on, I wonder if it will get lost in the post?
Plan for today, try to rebuild a watch I broke down last night 3am, pop into the town centre for some 3in1 oil, if it still exists? Then cook my belly of Pork for my tea, do love my pork, see more about that on my website.
Will continue with this blog later tonight when my day is done.
Thanks for reading, todays been a good day so far, so no rants yet, however the day is young.