Anyway, I have a sports camera that I want to try out this week, I have had it for a while but not used it yet, may just go for a walk later in the week and take it with me, also I am still trying to work out how I am going to turn the space in my old studio into a new office workshop, I have insulated the walls and I now need to build a partition wall, insulate that and put a ceiling up, hopefully that will keep me warm in winter and cool in the summer? I really want to move my watch making stuff off the dinning room table, so sooner rather than later would be better.
Also managed to completely refurbish my partners push bike last week, new freewheel, chain, tyres, inner tubes, all cables and grease and oil where necessary, looks almost new, it was good to get my hands dirty again working on something mechanical. So my old mountain bike is next.
I want to take minute to talk about YouTube, Over the last couple of years I have added 2 new hobbies to my repertoire, astronomy and horology, I new a little about both but have learnt so much from YouTube that I no longer feel the need to take an evening class for either, which brings me to my point, I am an adult community lecturer during the evenings, I am now thinking how long will it be before I and the rest of my fellow tutors/lecturers are no longer needed because of Youtube? I know you can't ask the videos live questions, but you can leave a question in the comments area, most YouTubers will respond fairly quickly so you get an answer. Where does this leave me? I need to create my own videos/classes for Youtube, hopefully get some advertising and earn a little from it, most of my subjects can easily be covered in a video, however, most of the subjects I teach have thousands of videos already online, so I need to make mine a little different, something for me to think about over the coming weeks. I did create an online course last year where I used Skype and a couple of other bits of software, but I soon realised that the 2 hours sessions were taking 3 even up to 4 hours, so I pulled it as I was doubling my work for the same amount of money, so a new strategy is called for.
Last gripe now as my head is pounding and my fingers are killing me. Ebay, I Love Ebay, I buy tons of stuff from there and Amazon, however I have noticed over the last 2 years frenzied and incomprehensible bidding on auctions. Let explain, I buy a few old broken watches to repair, most people would just throw them away, but some people sell them on ebay to people like me to practice/repair, now, up until this year I could pick up a mechanical winding well made watch in need of repair for less then £5, I have managed to buy a few and fixed them now giving me a collection of fine antique watches that keep good time and look great and are often a conversation piece. This year people are bidding stupid prices for watches with no hope of ever recovering their money? Don't get me wrong, I do not do it for the money, I do it because it helps me relax and believe it or not when I am working on a watch my hands don't hurt as much and the shaking stops, almost. Anyway my point is why bid so high on something? Is it just to stop the other guy getting it? Or is just they get in to a bidding frenzy and can't stop themselves? I have a theory, I blame the TV programme 'Storage Wars' it seems that if a storage unit comes up and you don't want it, you bid the other guys up, with the hope you don't end up with it. I really do believe that this strategy is now being used on Ebay, so for those of you that do that, "FUCK OFF" and go annoy someone else you irritating little shits. Rant over, so now what I do is I use a snipper software and forget about it, that works for me I get notified if I win or lose but I don't keep using the bid so the other guy pays more.
I need to go lie down, have great week, and hopefully will get another blog done tomorrow, please DO leave comments.