About a month ago I received an email from the college saying that my role (Instructor) was being made redundant, now as an instructor I only need to support the kids and Lecture when required, which turned out to be 90% of the time. So as they had to pay extra for the lecturing they can save money by making me a Lecturer, heres how, at my current pay scale which is at the top of it I earn £**.000 however because I will be placed on the lowest lecturing scale as this will be a new contract i would be £1,500.00 worse off? When I mentioned this to them they replied yes but I had to remember that this was a money saving exercise, so I did what any self respecting human would do and told them to Fuck Off and make me redundant, to which they replied, this college has a no redundancy policy so they would find me a job with equivalent pay scale to my current role, that was 5 weeks ago, I return to work tomorrow after a 3 week break so I will see what happens. The college is a complete and fucking shambles since the new Principle arrive, I am pretty sure he is playing with figures (money) that when he leaves, which he will soon, the shit will hit the fan as we discover his miss-dealings. Anyway we shall wait and see.
Yes my ouch moment, while I have been on holiday I have been doing all the things around the house/shed that I have been meaning to do, so with 3 weeks holiday I thought I would tackle the tasks, task 1, the double doors on my shed/log cabin/garage where catching at the top, so with plane in had I climbed the step ladder to the top about 8 feet so I was about 10 off the ground and started shaving off the top of the door, the next thing I know or remember is that the ladder has given way and I am falling backwards towards a concrete slab (shed foundations), the next thing I remember is a blinding flash of light and a pain at the back of my head.
I opened my eyes and saw the clear blue sky, not knowing how long I had been laying there I decided to wait a minute before attempting to get up. Now if you have been following my blogs you will know that I had a broken neck and had plates and pins fitted just over 2 months ago, so I am lying in the warm or should I say scorching heat worried if I have damaged the neck again, so I gently run my hand around the back of my neck to see if there was any obvious problems, apart from some blood on the back of my head I thought I had escaped with very little injury.
So I tried to get up, OUCH, having landed flat on my back which took most of the fall and my head obviously hitting the ground, the pain in my back was to say the least "OUCH", I already have 3 vertebrae mis-aligned in my lower back giving me sciatica, so I thought better of it and just laid there for a few more minutes, I then picked up my phone which had fallen out of my pocket and was laying beside me a called my partner explaining that I needed some help as I had just fallen from the ladder.
Now, I know that the ladies here have to look good before leaving the house so that they get the attention they think they deserve, controversial, yeah, but true, anyway, about 30 minutes, yes half an hour later my partner arrives, I asked where the hell have you been, she answers that she had to do her hair and makeup and put on some clothes as she was in her jimjams when I called, WTF, she then started having a go at me for calling her as she was sending emails, if I could have I would have dragged her to the roof of the shed and thrown her off, so she helps me to my feet but I know I am in trouble, so she phones for an ambulance which arrives with a Paramedic in tow. They check me over and take me to the local hospital for a CT and MRI because of the neck thing and now the back, about an hour later a Doctor comes to give me the news, my neck is fine, the graze on my head is minor, but I do have a minor concussion but my lower back is fucked, I tell him about my previous problems and he said that the fall had not helped but I was OK to go, he prescribed some pain killers which I already have and tells me to go home and rest, if I start to feel sick or pass out to come back. So with my soon to be ex-partner at home sending more emails to her friends I phone for a cab and make my way home. Update, My head and neck are fine but my back is definitely screwed.
About a week after the skydiving incident, I climb a ladder again, this time 20 feet to attached a 30 foot antenna to the house, all goes well this time and I am soon chatting to people from Europe, however my aim is to conquer the world, radio wise that is.
SO my new 80 foot antenna arrived this morning, so It's up the ladder again at the weekend, watch this space.