When I was a kid new year meant the sales would start and you may grab a bargin, if you were lucky, but these days there are sales on all the time so it means nothing now. The other thing that makes me laugh is New Year Resolutions, what the fuck is that all about, nobody ever sticks to them so stop it people, your all full of resolution shit. The other thing that I dont get is why the eastern europeans in my street try to blow it up with explosives, yes I am talking about fireworks, loads of them, they were going off for a good 20 minutes last night, why? Why wake up the whole street? Give me the money you are thinking of spending on your fireworks and I will throw it on my fire, you burn your money, no noise and everyone is happy.
Time is a construct that we have invented, as it the date, so in reality it means fuck all. SO lets not get too excited about the "New Year", it's not new, it's happened before and will happen again, I can't wait to get back to work and do something.
So am I going to wish everyone a happy new year, fuck no.