My mum used to say idle hands make the devils work? whatever the fuck that was meant to mean, but I am never idle, I work from the minute I get up until I fall over then I may get a hour or so sleep, if I am lucky, so what am I going to do, you can only watch so many YouTube videos before that gets boring, the other thing I do that I really have to stop is going on to the Amazon & eBay websites, I am spending far too much money on stuff I really don't need but just buying things to keep me occupied, not a good thing for by bank account. So I often have a look at the Huffington post for interesting articles and my favourite UFO News some great fun stories and interesting videos, but it still gets boring after a while.
So what am I going to do today, go mad probably, I may do some work on my new courses, I my also get a piece of wood and do some whittling.
Now wheres my knife.