So, back to the drone, I am sure I will have hours of fun just flying it if nothing else, shooting video and taking photos on the way, cant wait, hurry up Mr Postman.
Back to the workshop, got home early last night and went straight out the back and started work on the power to the workshop, 20 minutes later I had power and lights, I also laid a few more boards on the floor so I am very close to finishing so I can start making my guitars. I will be videoing the projects as I go along and posting them online for you lot to have a laugh at.
I am off to the cinema tonight for the first time in over a decade, the new Alien film looks cool so as part of my job I need to watch films and see what’s happening in the film world, however, I will be treating this as a jolly not work, also I am going with my rather attractive boss who will be sitting not too far from me so maybe a hand on the knee is called for, we will see.
Wish me luck.