I have emailed the company with no response, no refund either, so my moan is why have a customer service department if you don't give any?
WTF is wrong with these people, I have had several run ins as they say with a few companies who just don't or won't give good customer service. I had to tell one company that I would start legal action if they did not refund my money or send the goods, this was after 11 calls and over 20 emails, at this point they said they had never heard of me or taken my money, F**king liars. So I wrote directly to the Managing Director who said he would pass my details onto customer services, WHAT, I decided to go to the small claims court, got the paperwork sorted and filed, within a week I had a full refund including legal costs and the item I had ordered. So why couldn't they just send the bloody item in the first place? So I would suggest that if you have similar problems a letter from a court works, so I am today going to write to the watch supply company with letting them know that I will take legal action if I don't get the goods or the money.
UPDATE: Sent an email saying I was giving them 48 hours and then I was off to the small claims court and BINGO, next morning movement and a gift voucher.