Having watched these women make complete arses of themselves the Up Next box read Instant Karma? So I had to have a look, basically these are about people starting fights then getting their arses kicked, these video's are in some cases extremely violent, and the videos carry warnings, again its all down to camera phones, see some trouble about to start, YouTube it. Again most of these are pointless violence and filmed and uploaded to shock.
Use your cameras for something useful, the guy/girl committing a crime, documenting interesting events, now I know that's not going to get you a million hits, but some of us in viewing land see enough violence on TV, I know we don't have to watch it but think about the kids, who now think that beating the shit out of someone or getting so pissed is perfectly OK because the see you videos.
YouTube is a great tool and educator if used properly, I use it every day for information or instruction videos, I have even used some of them in my classes, thank you YouTube.
Another moan over, back to my coffee and rich tea's now, have a great Sunday.