Secondly, I went down with some disgusting virus on Friday, it's like flu, but with the added extra of feeling like a chieftain tank ran over me, add to that tummy issues from both ends. So the weekend was a bit of a disaster for me, spent most of my time moaning about everything as is my right as the Grumpy Old Man.
They also say that only mad dogs and englishman go out in the midday sun? What about young londoners with a need to use a gun or knife, what the hell is going on? When I was a kid firearms were never a thing, the odd armed bank robbery but that was it, very rarely was a shot fired, I can remember being in the scouts and carrying a shelf knife on my belt, no-one would question why, we used them when needed, cooking, whittling and other scouty things, to stab someone with it was the last thing on my mind or any of my friends minds for that matter, maybe we were a different breed, maybe we respected the law and the police, I can remember getting a clip around the ear from the local bobby who then told my dad what I had done then I got a good hiding from him for one getting clipped around the ear by a policeman and then having him knock on the door to talk to my dad, shit I was in trouble, so where has it all gone wrong?
First let me say that my thoughts are with those injured over the weekend in the firearm attacks, but who do we blame, I think the blame lies firmly with the parents, then the teachers, then the law in this country, first of all the family, they are ultimately responsible, these kids are dragged up not brought up, the parents don't give a fuck about their kids, the teachers must take some responsibility. what the hell are they teaching these kids, I have moaned before about the declining standards of teaching and schools, an last but not least the law, we should arm all our police, if your seen having or using a gun the the police should have the right to shoot the gunman, no arguments, it's illegal to carry a gun, if your caught then you deserve everything you get, including a bullet from a policeman gun.
Controversial yeah, but the only reason you carry a gun is to shoot, kill someone, so be it on you if you get shot by a policeman.
So whats the answer? Arm the police, bring back the death penalty, I quite like the idea of stoning.
Moan over, a now need a lie down with a cup of lemsip.